Juego Studio
5 min readOct 23, 2020


HTML5 Game Development

HTML5 game development has been gaining traction in the last few years. Under HTML5 game development, games are developed using HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS elements. These games will be cross-platform by default.

Several aspiring game developers now see HTML5 game development as an excellent way to develop their game ideas into fully functional games.

There are a few reasons why these developers choose HTML5 game development over others. We list some of them below:

1. Cross-Compatibility

HTML5 games are compatible with a wide range of devices. Because thanks to recent advancements in technology, games developed using HTML5 can now adapt to various screen sizes and resolutions. As a result, they can be played on smartphones, desktops, and tablets alike.

The operating systems these devices run on also doesn’t matter for HTML5 games. They run smoothly, on Windows PCs, and Android and iOS smartphones alike.

Besides being cross-platform compatible, HTML5 games are also cross-browser compatible. Users using any modern browser like Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, etc., can play the games on their devices.

In short, games developed using HTML5 can be played anywhere from any device with a modern web browser. As a result, developers can tap into a wide userbase than otherwise possible.

2. Availability of Advanced Tools

To take advantage of all these, HTML5 game developers need the right development tools and frameworks. Thankfully, there are now many of them, including Phaser, PixiJS, Three.JS, Cocos2d-JS, Play Canvas, and more.

Some of these are advanced game engines that are useful for creating huge 3D games. Meanwhile, others are adept at creating 2D games of all genres.

All these game engines and development frameworks are advanced and have huge communities of developers behind them. HTML5 developers who decide to these will find that they cannot go wrong with any of them.

3. Develop Once

Normally to make a game cross-platform compatible, developers have two options. One, they can choose a single game engine that supports cross-platform game development. Or two, they can code for each platform separately.

Developers only have to code the game once, however, when they go with HTML5 game development. Because these games are cross-compatible by default. Developers just have to do minor optimization like input-mapping for various platforms.

The developers also do not have to spend a long time optimizing the game’s performance for each target platform as well. So, the entire game, from ideation to completion, can be completed in a single development process. Meaning faster deployment.

4. Easy to Maintain and Update

HTML5 games also only have a single code base. So, they are both easy to update and maintain.

This is especially evident when making updates to the game. In native games, usually, the user has to manually install updates to the game from their devices. Often times, users may not be even aware that a new update is available.

In HTML5 games, as soon as the developer makes the update on the game in the server, the update will be reflected on all the devices of all the users. The user doesn’t have to do any action at all from their side at all.

This brings a lot of benefits for developers. It allows developers to roll in updates on a periodic basis. They won’t have to wait for days until the majority of the userbase has installed the update, to check whether particular updates were a success or not. They will instead get the data required within a short period.

5. Advanced Capabilities

When mentioning browser games, what comes to the mind of most people are flash games. They’ll remember the small 2D games which were similar to the hyper casual games available on mobile devices today.

HTML5 games, however, are lightyears ahead of these browser games of the past. Because thanks to advancements in technology, browsers can now access the hardware of devices similar to how native applications can. They can now access the CPU and GPU power of devices better than before.

Couple this with technologies like WebGL 2.0, which has advanced real-time rendering among other features, and what results are feature-rich and visually stunning 2D and 3D browsers games.

Along with the visuals, the audio capabilities of browser games have also come far in recent years. Using advanced Audio APIs tailored for HTML5 game development, developers can now create games that have amazing audio effects and sound quality.

6. Installation Not Required

One key benefit that HTML5 games have over other games is that they need not be installed on a user’s device. As a result, certain segments of users are more likely to prefer this type of game.

It does not require the user to go through a lengthy process of finding and then installing a game to try it out. Instead, they can try out games in an instant.

Modern HTML5 games can also store data offline on devices which means they can perform just as well as native games as well.

7. Easy promotion

HTML5 games are easy to promote when compared to other forms of games. Users can just send the URL’s of games to interested parties.

Since installation is not required, people will also be much more willing to try out the game than otherwise. If they like it, they can also forward to other people with the same ease.


HTML5 game development is one of the best ways to create a game. The decision on whether to rely on HTML5 game development or to go for platform-specific game development mostly relies on what the developer wants.

If one is looking to develop an HTML5 game of your own, then the best way to do so will be with the help of a top HTML5 game development company like Juego Studio. We have experienced game developers with a dedicated team of HTML5 game developers. Our HTML5 development team is experts at using advanced frameworks and tools to create HTML5 games of the highest standards.



Juego Studio

A leading technology venture and game app development company. We provides high-quality design and development solutions for games, apps and VR/AR.